• coming soon + deleted

    coming soon:

    an updated privacy policy & t+c for this site, since there is no longer a paywall. This means all payment will be via bank transfer or PayPal or something.

    I tend to think out loud so things shift all the time on here – the influencer services and opportunities that have been removed are future planning as I’ve never engaged with people on this level and while it’s something I hope to offer in the future, it’s not any time soon.

    as of right now you can email me and work privately on a one-to-one or small group basis. Contact forms are available to make things easy and you will receive my responses from hello@jazminali.com

    & I promise I won’t be spamming you!


  • pause

    I’m getting ready to jump into something new and that’s an example of toxic positivity in action. I’m being extremely generous with labelling this situation as an opportunity to practice adaptability.

    I have no desire to say more BUT I am going to be in a site hiatus. There are some maintenance things that need addressing, and I haven’t updated them because IRL I’ve had problems with hacking and stalking so it seemed redundant.

    so for now, the paywall will be disabled and the only content that is available is anything left on YouTube, Amazon and TikTok although that planner is going through a redesign as we speak.

    if you have comments it’s less offensive to send over an email than to think so damn loudly, no need for that passive aggression thank you!

    *the same goes for youseekyoga.com although I will actually just block that site out to all but a landing page. Thanks for your patience.

Jazmin Ali © 2024

(previously trading as Jazmin Jewel Yoga)

All rights reserved.